We have published all videos that we recorded. Couple videos are not available because either speaker doesn’t allow us to publish video or there were issues with HDCP protection.
There are more than a 100 talks, so if you don’t know where to start, here is the list of Top 10 DevoxxPoland 2016 talks:
1. Ted Neward – Pragmatic Architecture
2. Krzysztof Kudrynski, Blazej Kubiak – Real-time mapping with the drone
3. Christopher Batey – The Java developers’ guide to asynchronous programming
4. Axel Fontaine – Immutable Infrastructure: Rise of the Machine Images
5. Douglas Hawkins – How to Lie (to Yourself) about Performance
6. Ray Tsang – gRPC 101 for Java Developers
7. Marcin Grzejszczak – Microservices tracing with Spring Cloud and Zipkin
8. Matt Stine – Reactive Fault Tolerant Programing with Hystrix and RxJava
9. Sławek Sobótka – Prezentacje i wystąpienia – jak nie tylko przetrwać ale i dobrze się bawić
10. Simon Ritter – Faster Java By Adding Structs (Sort Of)
To create this Top 10 list we will take all talks with more than 10 votes and sort by average score. Please note that there were more than 50 talks with average score higher than 4.0 in scale up to 5.0. So, this Top 10 shouldn’t be treated as any better than other talks. The difference between number 10 and number 20 is just o.1.
@realDotNetDave @DevoxxUK @DevoxxPL @jeffreystrauss @jonathanfmills @DevoxxMA If you’re around, heavens yes. 🙂
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